Madame Elizabeth Boitsov has earned masters degrees in both Choreography and the Teaching of Ballet in the State Bolshoi Theatre Choreographic University (GITIS) Moscow, Russia. In 1980, she came to Chicago with her husband, Vladimir Boitsov, and together they founded the Boitsov Classical Ballet School. It was the realization of Mme. Boitsov's dream to establish a resident ballet school in America that would train professional classical ballet dancers in the same Russian Vaganova method that she herself has trained and taught in.
Mme. Elizabeth Boitsov and Dr. Vladimir Boitsov
Boitsov Classical Ballet School Office, Chicago, 1985
Many students of Boitsov Classical Ballet and their families knew my husband, Vladimir Boitsov. We shared 30 wonderful years together, experiencing the ups and downs that life can bring. He is and always will be my Love, Passion, and Inspiration.
His expertise in business and administration, plus his knowledge and appreciation for art were great contributions to Boitsov Classical Ballet and he will always be remembered for that. Independent from his involvement with Boitsov Classical Ballet, he was a professional in his own right, with a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, and he ran his own engineering firm, Boitsov International. He was a vital part of Boitsov Classical Ballet and touched many lives from the beginning of the school's existence in February 1980 until the day he passed away on October 7th, 2000, tragically, from lung cancer.
I would like to thank him for giving his unconditional support and love to me, and the entire Boitsov Classical Ballet. I feel that his Spirit is always with us...